Adult Use

“Adult use” in the context of cannabis refers to the legal and responsible consumption of cannabis products by adults for recreational purposes. This term distinguishes non-medical cannabis use by individuals…

April 20th

“April 20th” commonly referred to as “4/20” is an annual date celebrated in cannabis culture. It has become a symbolic day for cannabis enthusiasts, marked by events, gatherings, and activities…


In cannabis culture, the term “bag” is slang for a package or quantity of cannabis. It is often used to describe the purchase or possession of a specific amount of…


“Bhang” refers to a traditional preparation made from cannabis, commonly consumed in the Indian subcontinent. It involves grinding cannabis leaves and flowers into a paste or liquid and is often…


“Blaze” in the context of cannabis culture refers to the act of smoking or consuming cannabis, often through smoking a joint, a pipe, or using other methods like vaping. It…


A “blunt” in cannabis culture refers to a cigar that has been emptied of its original tobacco content and filled with cannabis. It is a popular method of consuming cannabis,…


A “bong” is a water pipe used for smoking cannabis with ceremonial roots. Normally, it includes a water chamber, a bowl for cannabis, a downstem to direct smoke through the…


In cannabis culture, a “bowl” typically refers to the part of a smoking device where cannabis is placed for combustion. It can also refer to a small pipe designed for…


In cannabis terminology, a “bud” refers to the flowering portion of the female cannabis plant. It is part of the plant that contains the highest concentration of cannabinoids, including THC…