What is Beta-Caryophyllene & Does it Have Unique Benefits?

What is Beta-Caryophyllene & Does it Have Unique Benefits?

What is Beta-Caryophyllene & Does it Have Unique Benefits?

Beta-Caryophyllene is one of more than two hundred terpenes found in the hemp plant that provides therapeutic benefits to many different symptoms. It is also found in the essential oils of cloves, black pepper, and rosemary. Terpenes are organic compounds, like limonene, pinene, and ocimene, responsible for the unique aroma of each variety of plants. These compounds are formed in the same trichome glands as cannabinoids and also bind to the same endocannabinoid receptors located throughout the brain and body.

When multiple compounds’ energies synchronize, it creates the entourage effect, also known as the ensemble effect. The method our body uses to bind terpenes and cannabinoids with CB1 and CB2 endocannabinoid receptors is unique. We are still not clear on how this synchronized effect exactly works, other than users report similar recurring experiences for specific varieties.

What are the unique benefits of beta-caryophyllene?

Some users have reported an improvement in pain relief and stress reduction during an experience with beta-caryophyllene. Being one of the more common terpenes, it is possible to encounter a major presence or minor amount depending on the strain variety. So, it is important to get familiar with what specific strain might work best for you.

One of many reasons why strain-specific full-spectrum products are superior is because of proper natural plant ratios. When you find a variety that improves your wellness best, it makes sense to use the same terpene and cannabinoid profile in any product form for yourself. Lastly, it is always critical to check third-party lab results to verify the percentages reflect typical ratios you have come to expect from your favorites.

Is Beta-Caryophyllene in your diet?

This natural plant terpene is found in numerous forms throughout the plant kingdom. It is very likely that you already consume it in your diet. Possibly, through the fresh cracked black pepper on your breakfast eggs or it just might be from hops in that last beer you had. Interestingly enough, beta-caryophyllene can also be found in some forms of cosmetics. Regardless, it is most likely already in the foods and drinks that you consume daily.

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